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On June 14, 2006, a law  came into effect, modifying the Code of Professions concerning certain conditions of the delivery of permits to practice for persons, such as engineers, doctors, denturologists, hygienists, archetects and all other professions governed by orders, who had studied and worked outside of the province of Quebec.

On October 16, 2006 the modifications to the Regulation of the selection of foreign citizens in the Quebec - Canada Immigration Law came into effect.

From now on, Quebec will also allow the immigration of persons qualified in domains that require only professional training at the secondary level, such as mechanics, welders, bakers, plumbers, etc.

Also listed as privileged professionals at the collegial level, are technicians in mechanical engineering, avionics, insurance counseling and financial services, nursing, etc.

Spouses and partners will also be evaluated in greater detail.

Adjustments will also be made to the Entrepreneurs and Investors category.

On October 27, at 6:00 pm, we will hold the first conference on these adjustments in the conference hall of the hotel El Condado, Lima, Peru.

To be continued.